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Support Us

What We Do

Since 2015, Restoration Empowerment Center has worked to build whole lives in the Lubbock, Texas, area. We currently have three unique programs: A homeless-supportive housing program that is a minmum of 6 months up to one year. We also offer a permanent supportive housing program. We are collaberating to expanding our services to include a Community Center that offers supportive services to help prevent and end homelessness in our community.

Emotional/Mental Wellness

The effort to cultivate emotional and mental wellness focuses on providing resources for clients to break unhealthy behavior cycles and develop coping skills for dealing with mental health issues. Restoration Empowerment Centers refer our residents to individual therapy and psychiatric services in our shelter and transitional housing programs. We also connect our facility with mental health professionals and services.

Financial Wellness

Financial struggles can limit access to essential resources and cause stress, leading to unhealthy emotional conditions. That's why we offer our residents access to financial literacy resources to learn critical life skills. We teach strategies for building credit and reducing debt. We also assist our residents with opening savings accounts.

Physical Wellness

Good physical health is invaluable to emotional and mental wellness. Our supportive and transitional housing program provides nutritionally balanced meals and helps residents build healthy eating habits. Our facilities have on-site fitness equipment, and through the help of volunteers, clients have access to a variety of fitness classes.

Social Wellness

Maintaining healthy social relationships is an integral part of a stable support system. With the help of community volunteers, we provide clients with opportunities to attend social events, resources to organize events themselves, and chances to connect and bond with others sharing similar interests. In addition, classes are offered to develop better relationship skills, healthy boundaries, conflict resolution, and resident councils that work on community well-being. The relationships fostered between residents add a dimension to health and wellness because of intense social support through a network of women with similar life experiences.

Spiritual Wellness

We are a non-affiliated organization that seeks to cultivate spirituality in our clients' lives, regardless of spirituality's form. We have clients from all walks of life who have had varied experiences and histories with their spirituality, and our program will only be successful if we meet clients where they are. Residents are exposed to different spiritual exercises and practices, including meditation, journaling, faith discussions, and prayer. Through participation in a non-denominational religious community, many of our residents discover a feeling of inner peace and strength that aids in their healing process.

Vocational Wellness

Gainful employment provides far more than a paycheck. It contributes enormously to the growth of an individual's self-esteem and sense of security. Community volunteers offer job skills and career development training.  


Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:

In Person

1611 Avenue O

Lubbock, Texas 79401


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 806-775-0851

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